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Merci beaucoup to all of you! You're all very friendly. Thanks a lot, I'm feeling very welcommed. :)
@Tinymissbetty: thanks! I'm gonna introduce myself there in a nanosecond!
Hugs and kisses
Hello everyone! My name's Paola, I'm 18, I live in the North of Italy and I love your web-site!
I do apologize for not speaking French, I'm terribly SORRY!!! :pleure: So please forgive me if I'm not writing in French... I feel embarassed about it, but unfortunately I have forgotten almost everything I had learnt... that's a real pity for me because I do love your language, it's extremely sweet and elegant. It's not that I can't understand anything in French, but I can't say I know French. I apologize one more time.
Then I love listening to Brian speaking French, he's really tender :timide: . The only negative thing is that I can't get the meaning of all the stuff he says, which is kind of sad. Maybe you guys can help me ;)
Anyway even if the language is different, we all love Placebo very much and that's what matters. I think Brian is a living genius, he's unique. I love what he writes because it's sheer poetry in my opinion. He can express feelings in a very special way, just like …
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